Collection: Rugs & Area Rugs

Style From the Ground Up With Rugs

Whether you're seeking a statement piece for your living room or a stylish runner for high-traffic areas, regardless of styling, indoors and outdoors area rugs play a versatile role in defining spaces, adding warmth and color, and protecting your floors from daily wear and tear. Discover the perfect floor covering that complements your existing furniture and personal style. Read on to explore selecting a rug, from size and material to color and pattern.

Area Rugs for Elevated Living- An area rug seamlessly incorporated into your living room decor, acts as the anchor for your couch and other furniture elements. A stylish silhouette of an area rug creates a focal point that ties your living space together. Choose indoor/outdoor area rugs for versatile style to easily extend your decorating to the outdoors by styling indoor/outdoor rugs in your backyard or family room.

A Guide to Selecting the Perfect Modern Area Rug

Tailored Sizing- Choosing the right rug starts with sizing. Whether you're covering a vast living room floor or crafting a warm entryway, our range of accent rugs, ranging from '200cmx290cm' to '240cmx340cm', offers ample fabric to seamlessly integrate with your furniture arrangement. Consider the practicality of a runner rug for hallways and entryways, designed with a modern rectangular shape to suit narrow spaces. Before making your choice, be sure to measure your space to ensure a perfect fit.

Material Matters- For a more casual appearance, the comfort and easy cleaning of cotton rugs is perfect for the hustle and bustle of the kitchen or laundry room. If you're looking for versatility, explore durable options suitable for both indoor and outdoor spaces. Whichever material you choose, rest assured it will provide underfoot comfort, enhance the cozy atmosphere, and soften ambient sound.

Color & Pattern- Accent rugs, with their vibrant colors and bold patterns, bring the opportunity to infuse life into a neutral space or complement furniture with multicultural-inspired designs. For a modern, serene feel, explore cool tones and subtle geometric lines for your entryway, hallway, or bedroom. Rugs with neutral colors and simple patterns like stripes, squares, circles, or chevrons add a touch of familiar warmth to family rooms or indoor-outdoor areas. In the dining room, a rug that harmonizes with your table and chairs elevates the overall presentation.

Our guide makes it easy whether you're into the cozy feel of a wall-to-wall rug or prefer a more intimate setting with smaller sizes to define your seating areas, the modern charm of combining two or three smaller rugs, strategically placed to carve out distinctly defined lounge areas.