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How to Organize a Small Closet

Get that newly-organized closet in no time. A clean and organized closet is the best. Are you as eager as I am to get started?. Begin with the most obvious.

Revamp Your Wardrobe

Closet Cleanout - Step 1:Revamp Your Wardrobe

So you have endless t-shirts and dresses that I suppose you have not even worn more than a few times or ever will again. Or what about never..!, Guilty... me too..! I know that getting rid of or giving away clothing is hard, but there is a solution.



Start by taking a look at your clothing. Assess what you wear most, least, or not at all.

Make a keep, store or donate pile.

Next -section your clothes into categories.

Either by color from light to dark

Type of clothing items, be it weekend or work.

I suggest investing in a few great hangers to ensure your clothes will not stretch out. Store your out-of-season clothing in the back of your closet and rotate your clothing by season. It works...

My Tip:

If you are not ready to give any clothing away yet, (as it’s easier said than done), am I right? Put them in your work or weekend section. If you have not worn any of those items in 3 weeks or less, then we both know it is time... Let it go!!


Closet Cleanout - Step 2: Shoes

Closet Cleanout - Step 2: Shoes

Get ready to put your best foot forward and organize your shoes with an easy-to-use system.

Make use of wall shelves as they are easy to put up, great for any space as they come in many sizes.

Floor racks or hanging racks are easy alternative options. This will keep your shoes in their place, looking new and easy to find.

For your boots, invest in boot shapers. They keep boots looking new and do not lose their shape. Use hangers with clips to keep your boots and shoes together. Try those nifty S-hooks (super multipurpose) that work great to hang your strappy sandals.

Closet Cleanout - Step 3: Accessories

Closet Cleanout - Step 3: Accessories

Yes, I have been there, cannot find the other earring, or your necklace is now a little ball of a tangled mess... Using clear boxes is great for those smaller items, such as earrings and rings. Try matching storage boxes that can hold all your jewelry and keepsakes in one place. Also looks pretty on your dresser.


Have you thought of installing hanging baskets in your closet for belts and clutches.. what are you waiting for!!.. They are super useful and convenient. Or why not install pretty doorknobs that come in beautiful designs. Use them inside or outside your cupboard to hang your jewelry or belts. Great way to keep them in sight and tangle-free.


My Tip

You can also make use of those multipurpose s-hooks I was telling you about.. great for accessories.

If you like to bring in new pieces from time to time. I recommend you keep decluttering every once in a while. By adding a unique piece of art, a mirror or wallpaper with fun colors can also add character to your closet... Make the most of your closet organizing by implementing an easy way to keep it organized at all times. After going through this process, I hope it becomes more of a lifestyle and keeps your closet organized.